Oct 14, 2018
An interview with Ed/Edalia Day about their show Super Hamlet 64 at Heart of Gaming and one with Nick and Carrie Smith from The Ludoquist who are coming up to their first year in Croydon
Super Hamlet 64 at Heart Of Gaming
Website: www.edwardday.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eddydaylia
Twitter: @eddydaylia
Oct 9, 2018
Interview about ASC studios in The Grafton Quarter, Grafton Rd and info about other studio space in Croydon plus news about the arts in Croydon and Black History Month.
ASC - Artists Studio Company
Website: www.ascstudios.co.uk/studios
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ASCGallery
Twitter: @ascstudios
Rich Simmons